Religious Services
Take note that you may need to show your foreign passport to attend some religious services. We do not endorse any on the list. Info may change without prior notice. Do your own due diligence.
If you know a service you wish to be listed, contact us. Email subject: "Religious Directory". Include (Religion) (Church name) (address in Chinese and English) (Contact details, ie phone, email, website) (mass hours and days, and language) (other info ie dress code, passport required) (Optional: extra services ie Sunday school, pre-marital counselling)

Roman Catholic
Catholic Churches with English Mass in Shanghai
St. Ignatius Cathedral
158 Puxi Road (close to North Caoxi Road), Xuhui, Shanghai
+86 21 64690930
Sunday, 12:00 noon
Sacred Heart of Jesus Church
151 Hongfeng Road, Pudong, Shanghai
+86 21 58546629
Sunday, 11:00
St. Peter's Church
270 Chongqing Road (S) (close to Fuxinzhong Road), Huangpu, Shanghai
+86 21 64670198
Sunday 11:00
Saturday 17:00
(Under renovation)
Basilica of Our Lady of Sheshan
Sheshan Catholic Church Shanghai
West Sheshan Hill, Huanshan Road, Sonjiang, Shanghai
+86 21 57651521
Sunday 8:00 (Chinese)