If you are in China, and change passports through the Ph Consulate, you must transfer your China visa to your new passport. YOU MUST DO THIS. When you go to the Ph Consulate to apply for a new passport, ask for a Certificate of Same Name. You may need to apply for this separately, but ask if this can be released on the same day as your passport. This is essential, because the CN visa office will require this. When you pick up your new passport, get your official receipt stamped. This is crucial, because CN Visa has a rule that you must apply for the visa WITHIN 10 days upon release of the passport. Since our passport is done in the PH, the date on the passport will be way over the deadline. So you must show your official receipt with stamped release date as proof. Or you may get fined. A lot. DOCUMENTS REQUIRED TO CHANGE PASSPORTS. DOCUMENTS REQUIRED TO TRANSFER VISA. If your dependents are not in China when they renewed their passports, ask the China embassy if they need to transfer legit CN visa to the new passport. If you've got relevant info to share, correct misinformation, or wish to contribute in any way, do contact us. #visa #permits #government #work
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